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MORE International Congress

We think it is essential to visualize the contributions that feminism has made to architecture, urban planning and generally to all disciplines that study and/or intervene space. Gender mainstreaming has expanded and resignified teaching, research and professional practice in these areas.

MORE was organized horizontally and collectively by a team of young woman architects, researchers, teachers and architecture collectives. The diversity in the composition of the Organizing Committee reflects our desire to (re)vindicate the production of space as a collective process.

That is why we proposed this conference as a meeting place for exchange and debate among professionals, researchers, educators, collectives and activists that, from theory and practice, allow us to define new lines of transdisciplinary and intersectional work. We want to open the generation and transmission of knowledge beyond academia. Scientific research, practical knowledge and personal experiences outlined (but not close) the framework of this meeting.

After the first two International Conferences on Architecture and Gender held in Spain and Portugal, MORE placed the 3rd meeting in Italy to reinforce a line of work in the countries of southern Europe. We invite you to actively participate.

Part of the Organizing Committee at MORE: Expanding Architecture from a Gender-based Perspective, III International Conference on Gender and Architecture, held in the Università degli Studi di Firenze (UniFI ) in Florence, from 26 to 28 January 2017.

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MORE than a Gallery

MORE: Expanding Architecture from a Gender-based Perspective, III International Conference on Gender and Architecture. Scuola di Architettura. Università degli Studi di Firenze (UniFi), Florence, Italy, 26–28th January 2017.

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Tema de Anders Norén